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History of the Moana Line

The Samuel and Daisy Miller descendants come from two of the islands most important and powerful chiefly lines; the Liloa/Hakau/Umi line and the Pi'ilani lines directly through Kilinahe (k), Moana Wahine's great grandson, who would serve Ka'ahumanu and Kamehameha III as a royal attendant and chief of goods. Kilinahe was brought into the Royal Court by Charles Kana'ina to replace all of his official duties. 

The Liloa lineage in this family line is derived through the ancestry of Ali'i Nui,
Keakealanikane who was the great grandson of Umi-a-Liloa as well as through Kaleiheana (w), a direct descendent oh Hakau. King Kamehameha I is Keakealanikane's 4x great grandson. Both Hakau and Umi were sons of Liloa and is a tale of half brothers who became bitter rivals that ended with the defeat of the first born, Hakau for being a cruel and ruthless ruler.

Keakealanikane's son, Moana Kane married Pi'ilani Wahine who was Pi'ilani's 4x great grand daughter. Pi'ilani was the Maui Moi said to the most renowned of that island's leaders.


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Brick Palace foundations, Lahaina, Maui : Image by Viriditas of Wikipedia.

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